Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Every person who faces defining their personal American Dream may have a different interpretation of what the American Dream is. Different aspects of the dream may have different importance to different people. Look at the chart above and write a complete paragraph in response to the following prompts:
  •  What about this chart stands out? (i.e. opportunity is more frequently selected than freedom and family)
  • Is there anything surprising to you about the chart?  (i.e. people would rather be free than have a good job)
  •  Is the chart in line with your thinking?  How?


  1. Replies
    1. I can tell that Opportunity, Freedom , and Family are most commonly thought of when asked about the American dream. also , the fact that wealth is in the bottom surprises me, I would think that wealth would be on top

  2. The fact that people will rather have a better opportunity for themselves rather than having freedom or family by your side was amusing to me in some ways making it stand out to me. The surprising thing about this chart is the fact that wealth and home ownership is at the bottom because how do you expect to have a better opportunity at life if you don't even own a house or have any money. The chart isn't in like with my thinking because my priorities aren't in line with the priorities of others.

  3. I agree with luz in every single way. It is a shock to me but at the same time it isn't. The fact that people don't care much of wealth isn't a shocker to me. The way I see it people that come from an extreme poor country like Haiti see people that live in the projects as rich. So for a "normal" American that isn't rich, if you know what I mean when I'm writing this...?

  4. In the chart above, the fact that people chose Opportunity over Wealth kind of stands out to me more than anything, but I understand why people would choose Opportunity over Wealth and that's because you need an opportunity to work, in order to gain money/wealth. I didn't really expect people to choose Opportunity over Family, but certain people have certain obligations to stick to, therefore they have no better choice than to choose an opportunity over their family.

  5. the fact that they choose opportunity over there family and freedom was something that caught my attention fast because who wouldn't want that.this is chart is not in order with my thinking because the fist thing i would of choose is family and freedom

  6. This chart is exactly what i would expect it to be a very un-thought idea that in america you get everything that you didnt have before when in fact its a total lie. Its crazy how people believe or want freedom and opportunity you would think that a good job would be the better way to go. This chart seems to me like the exact oppisite of what every human being would want this chart just shows the desperation of people. This chart does not for one second aline itself with my thought, its crazy what people may see as more important. i say this because in my personal opinion i would most likely want a good job before i decide that i want an oppertunity for example you need to work hard before doors open up for you in america.

  7. what stands out to me is the word opportunity because that's what everyone thinks of. I find it alittle sad how people put opportunity and freedom before family I feel like that isn't good. it shocks me that not a lot of people care about wealth when all people care is money.

  8. According to this chart what stands out to me is opportunity and how most people picked it over family and wealth. One thing that shocked me was that people picked opportunity over family. This chart isn't really in line of my thinking because the first four things that i will pick are family,wealth,freedom,and opportunity.

  9. Things that stand out in this chart to me are what some people would consider their second choice in importance , when referring to the American Dream. Freedom & opportunity are givens/ reasons why people come to America. However , I would think that financial security & family would be important as well. The chart is not quite in line with my thinking because I would consider being financially stable just as important as freedom because money is power.

  10. Something that stands out to me in this chart is how opportunity gets picked over family and freedom but then again some people come to America by themselves to give their families freedom and opportunities. I was suprised that people don't really care about their happiness as much as they care about opportunity, freedom, family and financial security. The chart is not in line with my thinking because i would put family before freedom and opportunity.

  11. The fact that opportunity was the first choice of the definition. I would think that family and happiness would be the first choice because everyone wants to be happy and have an amazing family. It's also surprising that wealth isn't very high on the list. When I think of the American dream, I think of wealth, so it did shock me a bit. The chart isn't exactly in line with how I think, but pretty close. If I had to rearrange the chart, happiness would definitely be on top.

  12. What stands out in this chart is that opportunity family and freedom is at the top of the chart representing freedom one thing that stands out to me on this chart is that wealth is somewhere at the bottom because to make a fresh start for a new life a necessity and if I were grade the chart it would be a whole new different thing for example a good job and a stable life and ability to travel would be higher in the chart (other)

    Myles C.

  13. In this chart the highest are freedom,family,opportunity.This shows that people will do anything to have what is right for them. Family is important to them because there the people that support them in doing whats right. If you dont have freedom you wont have any opportunities to succeed in life. Family are the people who you do things for there the ones who want you to succeed . Then comes the rest because the main ones are those three there the ones that are most important.

  14. The two things that stands out the most are opportunity and freedom.The reason why they stand out is because they have the highest percentages .The fact that opportunity has the percentage means that most people come to America for an oppurtunity to live a better life , America's nickname is the land opportunity which is true .

  15. What surprisingly stands out in this chart is the percentage of opportunity being in supreme numbers verses wealth being at such a low rate in people's thought towards the american dream. The reason for me saying this is because of the majority of poor and middle class americans whose first choice is to be wealthy makes this shocking in my thinking of the American dream.

  16. What stands out the most to me is how wealth is less frequently selected than anything else.I thought wealth would be the most important in the american dream. There is not much that surprises me but I would expect wealth and freedom to be on top of the list. This chart is not in line of my thinking because when people come to america they're not looking for financial security, all they want is freedom and wealth.

  17. The thing that sticks out the most is that happiness is not in the top 3. If you have the chance at something great would it not bring you happiness? I'm suprised that some people dont have a definition since there are infinite definitions maybe they didnt consider it hard enough. Its mostly in line happiness would be higher for me.

  18. What stands out about this chart to me is how both family and opportunity are both very similar in percentage. Something that is surprising to me is that i would've thought that people would want to come to America to get wealthy but based on this chart, only 8% chose that option. For me I personally thought people did it for the wealth because that is what society thinks of today.

  19. What stands out is the fact that Opportunity was more frequently selected than Happiness which explains that people are willing to jeopardize happiness for a chance in the society, for a chance to be heard. which makes this chart not in line with my thinking... Happiness should come first.

  20. what stands out is the fact that people chose opportunity over family, i think most people believe that America is the country of opportunities. And it doesn't surprise me that people chose freedom over a good job because most people that come to America never experienced the feeling of freedom so they come for freedom and chose that over a good job. and this chart isn't in line with the way i think because i think its education first then a good job then freedom and wealth.

  21. Something that stands out about this chart is the fact that Opportunity and Freedom stand out the most. It's a good sign, since many people I know, and in general, know that they have freedom, and an opportunity to achieve their own goals. What also surprised me is out in the chart, wealth is so low. Its also good, since they rather have freedom than wealth. Freedom is much more better than wealth, in my opinion.

  22. What was suprising to me was that people believed in more of family. I thought most people believed the american dream is opportunity. I know after living in America all my life, not AAAALLL of that comes true, yet some do exist like opportunity, and family and such

  23. In the chart Opportunity stands out more than freedom stands out , nothing is surprising because it is what i think because thats what most people have and feel when they think about the american dream

  24. what stands out is the opportunity stands out more then the rest and their is nothing really surprizing but I can say this mostly looks on the level choices people made on their american dream

  25. The things that stand out to me is the things people want to come to America for, opportunity. What surprises me is that 3% of the people dont know what they come for. Yes, i do think this chart is right because when i ask people why they came to America for they give me one of those answers.

  26. Something that I see is opportunities for american people

  27. The things that stand out to me is that people would want freedom instead of family. I mean you can have freedom but wouldn't you want to enjoy it with the ones you really care about. I was surprised that 3% of the people didn't know what they want or what they're American dream is. If you have a dream than go for it, if you don't then why the hell you moved for. Yes because thats what people want when they come to America.

  28. I agree with Luz and Cindy, it's surprising to see that wealth is at the bottom of the chart when we all assumed that people came to America to become wealthy. But at the same time it isn't quite as surprising because of the fact that everyone knows that people come to America for freedom and opportunity. I was also surprised to see that 3% of people had no idea why they moved to America. This chart for the most part is in line with my thinking because I thought that majority of people came to America for Freedom, Family and Opportunity.

  29. What stood out to me was that people chose opportunity over family. I was surprised to see that wealth was at the bottom of the chart because I thought people came to America to become wealthy. This chart is not line with my thinking because I would choose happiness, family, and wealth.

  30. The things that stands out to me in this chart was opportunity, freedom and family which I believe is true if you want to live the "American dream". I also think happiness should be at top because if there's no happiness nothing else really matters.

  31. Posts made after this point are late

  32. the most that stands out in this chart is opportunity.............i choose that because us american citizens have alot of opportunities but some do not use these opportunities and there are people "immigrants" who wish they had those opportunities but can not do anything cause they are not americian citizens!!!!!!!!!!!!
    .:shakira sanchez:.

  33. What stands out to me in this chart is the percentages and rates people chose , and what surprised me was the the percentage of people who chose good jobs as part of the Amercian dream.

  34. What stands out to me the most on this chart is the fact that people would choose freedom over a good job. Yeah, that's kind of surprising.To me personally, we live in AMERICA, IT'S NOT EXACTLY A FREE COUNTRY, to me that is. I think that the chart is a bit different than my own opinions well, maybe because I don't think its all free here in America anyway. But the chart is in majority vote so.. "Maeumdaero." --which translates to; "It's your wish."

  35. The chart shows that the American Dream is accomplished in less percent in each bar, the first and second choices. The least percentage there are Other and Don't Know.

    --Gloria Q

  36. What stands out about this chart to me is that the most picked 2nd choice is family and its not the first choice.It's surprising that the chart has an i don't know bar. I know pretty well what i would pick what is hard about it. The chart is not in line with my thinking because to me family is everything and then everything else.

  37. The reson why the first 3 are the highest is because most people think those are the most important things to the american dream but wealth should be the first I agree with pepaj

  38. I think wealth is at the bottom because thats just an american dream

  39. I Think Wealth Should Be The First choice because its just the American dream and everything else at the bottom

  40. I think that this is a chart about how they see their dreams because when they're asked this they're not thinking about others dreams but they are talking about their own dream and what the American dreams means to them.

  41. when people think of the american dream ,they think of money(wealth)hapiness and family,so i really suprised about the percentage of wealth cause for most people the american dream is all about being rich and living good.

  42. I was completely surprise that opportunity is at the top of the chart. I knew that theres and extreme possibility in america but i thought wealth over ruled it. This chart isnt in lined with my thinking but it makes complete sense.

  43. In this chart, what stands out the most to me is the happiness. Most people come to this country, not really worrying about about all the suffering they gonna have to go through, just to seek happiness for their family and themselves. But not everybody reaches that dream of being happy, which is unfortunate. Immigrants come to this nation for the opportunities this country has to offer. Opportunities that can help them give their family a better life. What surprised me the most, was the wealth. When people come to America, some think its easy to become rich, but no, its not that simple. Some of the people who migrate to the United States don't really come just to become rich. They come for a good job. A job that would pay them enough to support their loved ones.

  44. In this chart happiness stands out the most, a lot of people come to this country not worried about the doubts they will have to approach but only to be happy. some of the people who migrate to the united states don't come here to become filthy rich, they come to succeed and have enough money to support themselves.

  45. I agree with Gabriella, I thought people came to America to be wealthy but most people came for freedom and opportunity. I didn't know that there were people who had no idea why they moved to America

  46. Not many people have those opportunities. It is false they say those things just to trick us into wanting to be an American

  47. The chart above has happiness as a high and thats good because everyone needs happinesss. some people dont get to be as happy as they would want to because the harsh reality and stress of a new country gets to them. america brings opportunity if a person has opportunuity and take advantage of that opportunity wealth will come with the good job that they got a hold of by taking advantage of the opportunity
