Thursday, October 2, 2014

Post #1, Due Monday, October 6, 2014

Post #1
Due Monday, October 6, 2014
Every person who faces defining their personal American Dream may have a different interpretation of what the American Dream is. Different aspects of the dream may have different importance to different people. Look at the chart above and write a complete paragraph in response to the following prompts: 
  •  What about this chart stands out? (i.e. opportunity is more frequently selected than freedom and family)
  • Is there anything surprising to you about the chart?  (i.e. people would rather be free than have a good job)
  •  Is the chart in line with your thinking?  How?


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  2. Opportunity stands out in the chart more than any other. It is more frequently chosen 1st than family, freedom and financial security. What was surprising was that financial security is frequently chosen the 2nd time instead of opportunities. This chart is kind of in line with my thinking. Its not fully in line because i thought that wealth would have been more frequently chosen than anything else because most of the time i hear people talk about wealth more than anything else in the chart.

  3. it stands out to me that many people had chosen freedom and happiness many people chose the second opinions for most
    theres a lot of surprising things for example people chose happiness than freedom
    the chart isint what im thinking i would have chosen many different answers

  4. Opportunity ,and freedom are the most important but im thinking that happinees is more necessary for an american dream

  5. opportunity stands out more in the chart, i do believe that opportunity is a big thing because without opportunities you cant go anywhere, but on the same note i would think that happiness would be more as a first choice because without happiness you cant think of the good side even when things go bad.This chart is not really in my line of thinking because all of the choices i think should be all summed together because without any of those choices you have nothing,you have no type of hope in things. Being optimistic about things is the best way to go.

  6. This really stood out to me that more opportunities has been more handed instead of jobs because people got more opportunities and moved on with their lives. What surprised me out of the chart was the happiness was low because people cared about their own feelings instead of the other. Nope because there are all unexpected and kind of shocking to be honest.

  7. Opportunity seems to be important in this american dream,to me it mainly is.Family also stands out to me this.I find these aspects extremely important.

  8. opportunity and family stand ot the most for me. its important to have a lot of opportunity in life and to have the support of ur family as well

  9. The only thing that stands out to me and really surprised me is that wealth is closer to the bottom then the top. Id think wealth be closer to the top because its more impotent then other things higher then it ,but im not saying that the others or not importent but i feel like wealth is more importent. And another thing is that happiness is not the first or second thing on the cart because happiness can suport all of them. But all in all the cart is up to line with me but the only thing i would have changed was but wealth and happiness higher on the list .

  10. opportunity and family stands out the most because its really important to have your family in your life because they keep you going everyday and if you don't have your family to show your certain levels you would go in the wrong direction,happiness can also support everything on the chart and sometime people do choose happiness than freedom most of the time.

  11. What stands out to me is that happiness is not much a big deal. I think you should be happy more than being miserable. Surprisingly, wealth is not a priority. Usually, most American Dreams are mainly about getting a lot of money. Having enough money to pay for what needs to be paid and to get whatever you wish to have. This chart is not in line with my thinking. It would be a whole different order. Everyone has their own meaning of the American Dream and their own meaning of success or what success is to them. The Dream is different for everyone.

  12. What stands out the most in this paragraph to me is how Americans mostly picked opportunity than happieness and family. whats surprising to me is that i would think that people would rather have opportunties than have freedom. The chart is kind of in line with my thinking because, i believe that everyonewould rather have alot oppurtunties .

  13. Opportunity and family are the things that most stood out to me. It really did not surprise me that freedom was lower because our freedom is limited and we dont always get what we want. The least surprising thing is wealth because only a handful of people are wealthy.

  14. what stand out to me the most was that people would much rather have opportunity that happiness . This surprised me because i would think that people would want to be happy and then want many opportunity. what suprised me the most about this chart is that people would rather be free the have there own family

  15. What surprised me the most was the fact that having happiness, was not people's major concern. Anyone could have many opportunities in life or be surrounded by a family who loves them, but that does not mean you are enjoying your life. You come before anybody else in your life. You have to make sure you are at a position where you are content. Then you can proceed to worry about having a good-job, having opportunities and a nice house. Without happiness you cannot continue to move forward in life.

  16. I noticed that the chart had many things in common with the things we discussed in class about the American Dream. The majority of people in class aid the American Dream was based on opportunities and the chart says likewise. I'm confused as to why most people chose opportunity instead of happiness. I personally would have chosen happiness because happiness is a very important aspect of life. I undwrstand the choiceof opportunity though because you need to have the opportunity to do what you want in life and that's also very important when it comes to the American Dream.

  17. This chart has many outstanding factors like how opportunity is the first thing that people chose; however to me it is surprising that wealth is the last thing that was chosen. America is a place of opportunity and freedom. It is obvious that many people would choose those two as their top choices for their American Dream. It also surprised me that happiness is really low on the chart. Without happiness people will not be able to move on with life and live their American Dream. The chart goes by my thinking but I would switch something's around.

  18. Opportunity is more frequently selected than freedom, family and a good job .This is surprising to me because I thought people liked having a good job but many people must not care about it if it has almost the lowest percentage. This chart is not in line with my thinking because of the fact that many of the choices that I thought would be higher are not like for example wealth only has 4% while freedom has 19% so people rather be free than wealthy but nowadays people always talk about needing more of money cause they don't have.

  19. Opportunity stands out, out of everything else in the chart. Although i hadn't thought about it before I guess opportunity is important to have because without it there's not much you can do. It's actually pretty surprising that happiness is in the middle of the chart. Without happiness how could you actually enjoy living in America or doing anything else. Is the chart in line with my thinking? I guess for the most part.

  20. What stands out to me is how there is an 'other' option. All the choices on the graph are ones that most people constantly say when they are asked about The American Dream, I'm curious to know what other ideas people had that they couldn't choose an option that was on the chart. Wealth being in the bottom three came as a shock to me. Whenever people are asked about their dreams, having a vast amount of money in their bank account always comes into the conversation. Another surprising thing about the chart is that Happiness is not at the top, Opportunities is. Happiness would mean you get everything you want from life or you are content. This chart is somewhat in my line of thinking. To me, Family and Financial Security is the most important because my family is my life and with Financial Security I can provide for my family.

  21. On this chart opportunity stands out the most. What surprises me is that family and happiness have a higher percentage as a second choice than a first choice. Personally, the first thing that comes to my mind when I think of the american dream is opportunity, family and happiness. Having an opportunity to make a better life for not only me but my family also which is very important to me. This will ultimately lead to all the happiness I need. Also financial security, once I have all the money I need to take care my family then I will be more than happy.

  22. To me family stood out because it got the highest percentage overall for what people associate with their American dream. I figured that Wealth would be higher up on the list because most people say wealth will give you everything else. Wealth leads to opportunity and family and financial stability and all that other stuff. But this doesn't apply with what I thought would be in accordance to the American dream. To me happiness is at the top of my chart. Because you could have everything in the world and not be happy.

  23. In this chart we are able to see why people come to America. In the top three choices their was opportunity, freedom, and family. The thing that stud out the most to me in this chart was that wealth was towards the bottom of the list as a first choice. To me that was surprising because people are always talking about having a lot of money. Another thing I found shocking was how happiness wasn't in the top three either. In my opinion most people come to America because they are unhappy about something in their country. By coming to America they think they are able to have what they don't in their country and be happy. I don't agree nor disagree with what the chart is saying because depending on the group of people you ask you can always get different 1st choices that then change the whole chart.

  24. What had attracted my attention was that this chart shows that wealth was lower than happiness for the first choice. Usually people say that money helps leads to happiness which had influenced my thinking but obviously this chart shows that happiness is more of a first choice to people than wealth. The part that surprised me was that people were more concerned with having the chance to have a family than happiness. Imagine having a family that you aren't fully happy with. You have to live with them for the majority of your life. Those two statistics just doesn't seem right when compared to each other. This chart is not in my line of thinking. Happiness would be at the top of the chart if it was within my line of thinking.

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  26. Even though opportunity, freedom, and family stands out the most, I think what really should stand out is your happiness. The only thing that suprised me is that people chooses wealth the lowest. The chart is in line of my thinking because everyone think of taking care of their family before going for their dreams

  27. Wealth stands out to me the most. Its shocking to see that wealth isn't higher on the list considering the fact that wealth plays a large role in society. Freedom not being a top priority is very shocking because in some places opportunity is only given to certain individuals for example males or just those who can afford it. Therefore I would think that people would lean more to freedom. No this chart isn't in line with my thinking. I say this because in order to accomplish the things on this list priorities must be in order. Freedom has to be number one followed by happiness then opportunity then wealth, financial security,a good job, home ownership and then family because all these things are what's needed to be self sufficient. I put the list into chronological order because without one thing the other thing won't occur. If the ultimate goal is to make sure that the family unit is accommodated then certain steps need to be taken.

  28. Wealth,family and happiness stands out to me the most, because many people are considered to have achieved their dream because of their wealth and ability to take good care of their families

  29. Its kind of shocking to me to see that wealth is not the one that was mostly chosen by Americans. Even though Family and Happiness are big characteristics in my life.But you wouldn't want to be homeless with your family happy like what type of life is that. I rather be with my family happy and wealthy so therefore Wealthy is the one that sticks out to me the most. Well all 3 of them

  30. What really stands out to me the most is wealth being ranked at the bottom, I feel that wealth and owning a house is what people mostly think about when it comes to the american dream, and since its ranked in the bottom I feel that this chart may be alittle biased. Wealth also plays a major role in peoples life and decision.

  31. What stands out to me and is surprising about in this chart is people saying freedom is the American dream. It’s probably cause I completely disagree with freedom being the American Dream. I don’t think there is an American dream. There’s only your dream. Usually when people have a dream, they see wealth with the dream. Which is why I can understand wealth. Yet, I’m confused why it’s ranked 3rd to last and freedom was ranked 2nd. Don’t we have freedom. How can a dream be something you already have?

  32. What stands out the most in this chart is the amount of people that didn’t go with wealth, because money is the most important thing in the world (in my opinion) money makes the world go around and its what keeps you off the street. Everybody in the world wants to have an abundance of money to get through life and live life to the fullest without any worries.

  33. What stands out to me the most is that the majority of people think that the Amricam Dream can be defimed as opportunity , family and freedom . For most people they already have a family and freedom . So dosent that mean they have already reached the American Dream ? It surprised me that wealth was at the bottom of the list . I disagree with this chart because i feel like the American Dream was fed to people so they can support this country

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  35. What really stood out to me was that opportunity was at the top of the list rather than happiness, wealth, and a family. Freedom was something that the African-Americans would have wanted more than this due to slavery. I disagree with the chart because wealth is something that most people would have wanted especially for their loved ones in the future.

  36. I'm a little bit confused about the first question; but this chart doesn't stand out to me only because of the fact that I feel like this could a biased chart. Something that doesn't make sense is that people would rather have a family than a good job and that is a little bit unbelievable because wouldn't you want a good job first then a family. This chart is not in line of my thinking because this seems a bit fake and definitely biased in my opinion.
