Sunday, October 26, 2014

Due Monday, October 27

Due Monday, October 27

Read the following quote. In a well developed paragraph express its meaning, the theme it expresses and it's implications on the book.

He's a big, goofy dream, too, just like me. He likes to pretend he lives inside the comic books. I guess a fake life inside a cartoon is a lot better than his real life.
So I draw cartoons to make him happy, to give him other worlds to live inside.
I draw his dreams.
And he only talks about his dreams with me. And I only talk about my dreams with him. (3.118-3.121)


  1. This quote means that this person belives a fantasy world is better than real life . He draws cartoons so he can escape reality . The cartoon he created he describes as happy because he has many worlds he can live in .

  2. This quote means that Junior draws cartoons for Rowdy because he lives in his own world. As said in this quote, " I guess a fake life inside a cartoon is a lot better than his real life.", this basically implies that the life on the rez sucks and their only escape is in their cartoons.

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  3. Some people in life are escapists- tending to escape from the unpleasant aspects of their daily lives. They find joy in the mental diversion and are the happiest in their own little world. Junior, the main character from the Absolutely True Diary of a Part-time Indian, is an escapist as well. He escapes reality thorough his cartoons, pretending to live inside of them. The speaker behind this quote says " He's a big, goofy dream, too, just like me. He likes to pretend he lives inside the comic books" the speaker is referring to Junior. With him being bullied everyday and outcasted by the people living on the reservation, it is not shocking that he would have his own little world in his comic where he can live peacefully in. This quote implies that Junior needs to escape because his current life is him living on a poor Indian reservation. He gets bullied and and beaten up everyday, that can be a lot on a teenager. He finds joy in his comics because he is good at what he does and hopes to eventually become a famous cartoonist one day.

  4. Thus quote shows how Arnold and Rowdy are close to junior because they share their dreams with him. This quote also shows how both Arnold and Rowdy dreams are similar. However their dreams are very different. Arnolds wants a different life outside of the current rez he is in, while Rowdy is living a "fake life" inside of Juniors comic books. Junior draws how they both want to escape their current reality. Moreover this quote potrays the theme "dreams".

  5. Sometimes in life people have dreams that sometimes can be hard to accomplish. however many people want to escape their current life situations and do not know how. In the book The Absolute True Diary of a Part-Time Indian “So I draw cartoons to make him happy, to give him other worlds to live inside” Junior draws cartoons and thats how him and rowdy dream. when it comes to them realizing that they have to escape to reality and live a real life thats not in the comics that he draws, they start talking about there real dreams about living their lives.

  6. This quote means that he prefers to live in the fantasy life he created rather than his harsh reality. Junior draws cartoons for Rowdy to help him escape his reality and by doing so, he's helping to create his dreams. Junior is taking the ideas from his head and physically putting it on paper. The quote, 'And he only talks about his dreams with me. And I only talk about my dreams with him.' illustrates how much they confide in each other and the level of friendship they have.

  7. The excerpt from The Absolutely True Diary Of a Part-Time Indian is demonstrating how the white people on the rez will eventually overpower Junior and the rest of the Indians. Junior is one of the only people on the reservation that still has hope and potential. Mr. P is telling junior that his best bet is to get away from the negativity and become a positive individual who is successful in the future. If Junior doesn't leave the reservation he will lose hope just like everyone else on the reservation and eventually get over powered by white people. The further away junior goes the more enlightening he will feel. Mr. P has a lot of hope. He hopes for nothing but the best for Junior In fact he believes that its his best bet to go away, far away, and never look back.

  8. Rowdy and Junior are best friends and only share their dreams with each other. He's explaining how his cartoons offer Rowdy and himself am escape from reality. He draws the cartoons and it's the world they live in, it makes him happy. I think it expresses the theme of escape. Both of these boys have these imaginary cartoon world they would like to live in because their realities aren't ideal. Throughout the book the cartoons Junior draws can be seen and the idea of them being his escape is brought up again. 

  9. Some people in life people have dreams to escape the hardships of reality.Many people use creative and dreams to give them selves hope and inspiration to continue onward.In the book The Absolute True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, Junior draws and sees his drawings as escape rafts.Him and Rowdy have big dreams, the both share dreams and tell each other about them.They use this to give themselves hope, it is there hope.They choose what their future will become because of this hope.

  10. The meaning of this quote is that both Rowdy and Junior dislike the situation that they are in. As a result they use their cartoons to escape into a world where their dreams come true. I believe the theme this quote shows is friendship because the quote shows how personal the relationship with Rowdy and Junior is. For Example, "And he only talks about his dreams with me. And I only talk about my dreams with him."

  11. The quote shows that the cartoons in which are inspired by their dreams are their escape from reality; their reality which is not as extravagant as they would want it to be, the way it is in their dreams. The theme that is portrayed is, "Dreams." In the book, dreams are hardly present because the dreams of most have been killed due to their reality. The only one that really has hope is the main character, Junior and his sister, Mary who has just begun to live her dream.

  12. Everyone has that one good friend in life. In the book The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie we see the good friendship of Junior and Rowdy. They have been friends since they were little. We are able to see how close of a friendship they have when Junior says " And he only talks about his dreams with me." The only person they are both able to trust is each other and trusting each other causes them to be extremely close friends. Without each others friendship they wouldn't have no one on the reservation to turn to and share their dreams with. Junior says " I draw his dreams." When Junior draws cartoons of Rowdy's dreams he is also sharing with Rowdy how he dreams of becoming something in life with his drawings. He is showing how he wants a better future for himself.

  13. The quote means that for the main character, cartoons and drawing cartoons serve as an escape from their real life. Through cartoons, they jump in a world where there are no boundaries or limitations. Therefore, as the quote says " I draw his dreams" meaning that running away into their cartoons could give them a life where they can accomplish their dreams. Thought cartoons they could jump into many wolrd where they could find happiness, as oppose to their reality. This quote relates closely to the idea of "escape" because figuratively speaking, that is what they're doing to find a sense of happiness in their make-believe lands. This topic of escape can be found throughtout the book so far because they refer to running away to a better life and how cartoons help junior. In the beginning of the book he mentions how his drawings are tiny little life boats navigating through the world.

  14. This quote reminds me of the book we're reading in class.The quote means that the boy uses cartoons to escape from reality .He uses his cartoons to find happiness in many things.Because reality just might be too real for him cause he has no friends except for Rowdy. The quote states "And he only talks about his dreams with me.And i only talk about my dreams with him" is like a relationship to the book with Junior and Rowdy they only share their happiness with each other. They use each other as and escape to happiness. They use there drawings/Cartoons to stay away from negative thoughts of life to keep them happy.

  15. This qoute means that the character feels free when he draws . Its he's escape of his real horrible life . In his drawings he draws the life he wishes he had . he aslo feels like he is free and express him self with out being laughed at . Also drawing expires him to have hope for having a better life in the future .

  16. This Quote means that Rowdy and Junior have a great connection , they trust eachother with anything. This Quote also Shows how really close they are and what they actually do to each other(Draw Cartoons) to forget the terrible life they live in which shows that its alot better than real Life

  17. the meaning of this quote is that Rowdy and Junior do not like to face reality because they know the struggles they have to face head on. They feel that if they live their lives in cartoons, that they do not have to worry about the real world. To them they feel that drawing will give them a lot more hope. When they come together and talk about their dreams to each other, you get to see how close they really are.

  18. This qoute means that the character feels free when he draws . Its he's escape of his real horrible life . In his drawings he draws the life he wishes he had . he aslo feels like he is free and he shares with junior what brings him happiness they also feel like if there lives were like these cartoons then they wouldn't have to worry about anything this helps them forget what reality really is for them . they once wish that their lives would be different

  19. Sometimes in life people prefer to live life in their own world because they think is a lot better than reality. In the book, The Absolutely True Diary of A Part-Time Indian, Junior says, "He likes to pretend he lives inside the comic books. "I guess a fake life inside a cartoon is a lot better than his real life", the meaning of this quote is that junior explains that rowdy doesn't like life in the real world so when he reads his comic books he pretends he is in the book. Junior and rowdy both feels as though they don't fit in that is why they are so close. And they both like the fact that they both have ways to escape reality.

  20. Sometimes in life people don't like facing reality. In the book The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian junior says "I draw cartoons to make him happy, to give him other worlds to live inside. I draw his dreams. " this quote means that junior and rowdy don't like living in the real world so junior draws cartoons for him and rowdy to feel as though they are escaping reality . Junior really cares about rowdy and he likes that even though rowdy is "rowdy" he's really just like junior a troubled misunderstood kid.

  21. This quote shows that he wants to live a different life than the one he lives now, to get away and be free. "He likes to pretend he lives inside the comic books." Junior draws these cartoons for him giving him different worlds he can explore to get out of the real world he lives in now, to escape and get away from personal problems. It's not just dreams and cartoons for junior and rowdy, that's how they really want to live. They only feel comfortable talking about their dreams with each other because they have this special friendship that they share. "And he only talks about his dreams with me."

  22. The quote shows that the little drawings and the comic books gives them an escape from reality. Since the little drawings make him happy and give him Ann escape Junior keeps drawing them for Rowdy. The quote expresses hope that there is something better out there. In the book Junior uses his little drawings to understand the world while Rowdy uses the drawings to escape reality

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