Monday, December 2, 2013

The Great Gatsby, December 2

December 2

If you are reading in your own book read pp 81-90.  If you are reading on line, read through Chapter 5, Page 11 at the following link:

Respond to the following question:  what do you think about the way Gatsby behaves when first meeting Daisy again?


  1. In the book The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Gatsby acts very nervous and embarrassed around Daisy after not seeing her for 5 years. "Gatsby, his hands still in his pockets, was reclining against the mantelpiece in a strained counterfeit of perfect ease, even of boredom. His head leaned back so far that it rested against the face of a defunct mantelpiece clock, and from this position his distraught eyes stared down at Daisy, who was sitting, frightened but graceful, on the edge of a stiff chair." This quote is showing how uninterested and bored Gatsby was when first seeing Daisy again. Gatsby is nervous to see Daisy because he's still in love with her but isn't sure. Gatsby starts to get pale and leaves Daisy alone because he is so embarrassed and feels this is all a mistake. Gatsby Is acting childish around Daisy, he's acting like if he doesn't care that Daisy came to see him. Gatsby told Daisy to come without Tom, basically telling her he wants her to himself.

  2. Gatsby was really happy that daisy stopped by and visited him but also shy and didn't know how to act. Gatsby wanted daisy all to his self so they can catch up on old times and maybe pursue a relationship with that will last forever. Gatsby also knows her favorite color and uses that to pull her in more and feel overwhelmed. so as long as he see her happy he is happy nothing matter to him. Also I feel like he uses those colors to show that he has been paying attention to her. And that 5 years he hasn't seen her really makes him embarrassed but he was uninterested when he had laid eyes daisy since 5 years ago.

  3. When Gatsby meets Daisy for the first time in years, he behaves as if he's a little boy. Gatsby gets very nervous about the idea of meeting Daisy again ,and feels embarrassed in a way as well.

  4. In the Book The Great Gatsby, when Gatsby sees Daisy for the first time in many years, he looks like he’s still in love with her. When Gatsby sees Daisy, it seems like he is surprised to see her because he thought that she wasn’t going to show up. Gatsby also seems to be excited and nervous to see Daisy because he hasn’t seen her in all those years, and he seems to still be in love with her.

  5. When Gatsby meets daisy, he becomes very nervous because he hasn't seen her in years. He is still in love with her.

  6. Gatsby behaves sad, nervous and childish when he first meets Daisy again. He was gloomy at first and almost left till Daisy got there. Then he was on edge. He didn't know what to say, what to do or how to stand. He was a big mess all over. Then Nick tries to leave them and Gatsby gets stubborn and second guesses himself like a child.

  7. In the novel The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Gatsby acts nervous and uncertain about his meeting with Daisy. Gatsby's reaction was appropriate given the circumstances because he was nervous about seeing the woman he loves and has not seen in about five years. Gatsby did not know what to expect especially since they parted in weird terms and he was not sure if Daisy was going to show up. Gatsby was unsure about what was going to happen even before the day, in the novel it says, "He was pale, and there were dark signs of sleeplessness beneath his eyes", the quote is saying how much this meeting is affecting Gatsby. The effects of the meeting is even showing on his physical appearance.

  8. Gatsby seemed afraid/terrified when meeting daisy for so many years. Even tom described that he was embarrassed.
    (you wanted 2 sentences, that's what you said in class)

  9. In the book "The Great Gatsby" by F.Scott Fitzgerald, Gatsby feels disappointed at the fact that he thinks Daisy might not show up. When Daisy comes in he is surprised that she decided to come, he was also nervous because its been a long time he doesn't see her.

  10. In the great Gatsby, Gatsby was all shy and nervous for see Daisy after five years. Well they both were stiff and they both were very uncomfortable with each other. After a while they got rid of there stiffness and talked normaly.

  11. In the book The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Gatsby acts very nervous and embarrassed around Daisy after not seeing her for 5 years. He was surprised after waiting and seeing her after so long. He freaked out a little when he heard she arrived and went away but later came back and that's when they met. They were both speechless and Gatsby was acting like a whole new person, which was strange for his character since he's always mysterious and somewhat powerful and very rich. He was quiet at first but they started talking and he wasn't acting that stranger any longer.

  12. When Gatsby meets Daisy once again, Gatsby seems to be really embarrassed and shocked when in front of Daisy. He also was a bit speechless for a small while, and seemed like he wasn't being himself.

  13. When Gatsby is meeting his beloved Daisy for the first time he is shocked because he is meeting her in such a long time. He is seeing her in eight years all those times off seperation due to problems in the past. Now that there finally together he is so happy to finally catch up on what has been happening in there life in those eight years. When Gatsby sees Daisy for the first time in so many years theres nothing but love he feels pure love for her. Nothing has changed between them about there love except for the way the way there relationship is viewed but there love for each other is so strong that nothing seems to comprehand. After meeting Daisy Gatsby wants everything to be perfect each and every time because he doesnt want to dissapoint her. It seems as if he feels that if everything isnt at her standareds then Daisy will leave and he fears that. But besides all the fear he feels of loosing her he loves her unconditionally.

  14. In The Great Gatsby, Gatsby made a plan to see Daisy in Nick's house because he did not want to have lunch with her in Long Island, as Jordan suggested. When Gatsby and Daisy finally meet, the situation was extremely awkward and Gatsby was acting very strange because he was very anxious he actually spending time with her.

  15. Chapter 5 page 6, shows that Gatsby behavior expresses part of him Nick had ever seen before; Shyness, fear, doubts...etc. A saying goes "Love brings out the sensitive part in every human" Gatsby might have been preparing for the meeting all his life, building a strong fake personality and all, but when push came to shove, when he finally meets Daisy, his long lost love... the sensitive part of him came pouring out.

  16. gatsby was shocked and suprised because he did see daisy in a long time and after 5 years they saw each other they didnt know what to do they were like puzzled but after a while all that feelings he didnt know how to express went away and every thing went fine

  17. The way that Gatsby behaves in chapter five of The Great Gatsby is ironic.Gatsby is always around people and although he is quite socially awkward a lot of times, he seems to find a way of having conversations. When it came to Daisy he just behaved as a child. He did not know what to say or how to say it and insisted on going home.

  18. The way gatsby behaved around daisy was nervous. He didnt know what to say or act, but he kept the conversation going. knowing gatsby to be a ladies man and partying a lot talking to a girl shouldnt be so hard he probably has serious feelings for daisy since he responded like that

  19. when Gatsby see daisy for the first time in years he acts like a nervous little school boy. Gatsby didn't know what to talk about with her or anything but he sure as hell found I conversation and kept it going

  20. n the book The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Gatsby is very shy around Daisy after not seeing her for 5 years. Gatsby wants daisy all to his self and does not care about nothing along as daidy is happy.

  21. I think the way Gatsby behaves, when first meeting Daisy again is funny because he acts like he never spoke to her before and makes he everything awkward . He becomes clumsy and almost knocked down the clock.

  22. Gatsby is very shocked when he first sees Daisy for the first time. This is understandable because he hasn't seen her in 8 years, so much time has past but the feeling that they share for each other hasn't changed.

  23. In the book the great gatsby, gatsby behavior seemed childish because he didnt know how to aproach daisy. Also he was too anctious to show daisy around his house.

  24. In the novel "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Gatsby feels nervous and clueless when first meeting Daisy again after five years of not seeing each other. Daisy has always been the love of his life and it impacted him the fact that he was going to see his beloved Daisy after five years. He gets so nervous and his mind goes blank because he didn't know what her reaction would be after all this time they have been separated. But after being together for a moment, the tension and awkwardness went away and they opened up just like at some point in the past they once did.

    -Wendy Miguel

  25. The way that Gatsby behaves in chapter five of The Great GatsbyIs like a guy in high school . I say that because they way they stared at each other. It was like kids in high school having that puppylove kind of act towards one another . I also feel like when he was throwing the clothes around he was being like me when i was little . I would bring all my nicest toys to show visitors and show off just like he was being flashy showing daisy hes clothes and sliver wear something we dont see he being in the chapters before this .

  26. When Gatsby meets Daisy for the first time in 5 and a half years he acts awkward and nervous around her. He acts this way because he does not want to make any mistakes when seeing her and all he wants to do is impress her.

  27. I thought Gatsby was acting a little creepy when he first met Daisy or maybe he was a bit shy, I don't know. Daisy was acting like a total idiot she was just crying for no reason

  28. when gatsby first met adaisy again he was acting a bit weird he was acting as if he was so surprised maybe he didnt think she would have come. he looked so ocerwhelmed but happy he must have missed her so much. i think gatsby was soo surprised and puzzled he didnt now exactly how to approach her but you could know that he still loved daisy with all his heart and daisy broke don in tears after seeing gatsby she was acting stupid and gatsby just wanted everything to be perfect and to impress her

  29. i thought gatsby was more on the reservative side when he first met daisy. The aura was a bit awkward. Eventually they seem like they got comfortable with each other...then daisy started crying..

  30. My reaction to this part of the novel was that Gatsby was acting very weird towards Daisy. Daisy on the other hand didn't know how to react she began to cry a lot.

  31. Gatsby behavior changed drastically when he was around Daisy. He was normally very reserved and seemed to say everything with great care. When he was with Daisy he had become very Jovial stuttering and extremely happy in her presence. He also has a hint of awkwardness near her hoping to not send ny kind of wrong impression.

  32. Gatsby's behavior changed when he was around Daisy , as soon as she arrived. He started getting nervous , he was stuttering, ecstatic, and he began acting kind of weird.His whole emotion changed when he was with Daisy he got so happy and different from how he normally acts.

  33. When Gatsby first seen Daisy he was shocked that she showed up , he thought that she wasn't going to come. Then Daisy was shocked also but at the same time I thought that they were excited because they were happy and speechless

  34. Mr. Gatsby behavior in chapter 5 was very shy and embarrassed when he seem daisy for the first time in almost 5 years. He acted that way because he's still in love and when you are truly love someone you can not control you feelings or action when your in the same presence.

  35. When Gatsby first meets Daisy for the first time after 5 years, he does not really know what to do. He has his hands in his pockets and he behavios in shock. His love of his life has been living across the bay from him and he has tried grabbing her again but they never were able to. Now that she has moved on and married a man named Tom, it will not be so easy for them two to move forward considering that Tom and Daisy have been married despite his affair. I do not think that Gatsby is acting out of proportion as he freezes because the love of his life who has been away for 5 years suddenly appears in his face which causes him to be shocked.

  36. When Gatsby first meets daisy he is astonished but physically nervous. he ask nick for advice on daisy, tends to his lawn and cleans up with preparation for daisy. Gatsby says "nobody coming too tea. Its too late. he looked at his watch as if there was some pressuring demand on his time somewhere else.. this quote shows how's Gatsby is trying to avoid seeing daisy because she makes him extremely nervous. another piece of evidence that shows that Gatsby and daisy has had a connections and makes Gatsby nervous is when Gatsby states "we've met before" he muttered. his eyes glanced momentarily at nick and his lips parted with an abortive attempt tat a laugh. luckily the clock took the moment to tilt dangerously when it almost falls on Gatsby head and he evades and catches it with his trembling fingers. This shows that Gatsby was in fear and nervous of what daisy might say or do. so he began to nock things down. these are pieces of evidence from the book. "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald. That shows how Gatsby reacted and behave when meeting daisy for the second time.

  37. gatsby felt as that he was reliving his past when he first sa daisy again. He knew that he loved her and she loves him so he wanted to spark old flames by asking her to leave Tom which she did not do. Even though they had mutual feelings for each other daisy was married to Tom and she knew it was morally wrong to be sneaking around with gatsby but she could not find it within herself to fully commit her self to gatsby. That is the reason as to why she is still with Tom.

  38. when gatsby saw daisy for the first time in many years he act as if he were a child he wanted those feelings to come back he wants to spark up these old flames he act as if they were never really apart but she has a family now and a husband thats the differents from now and five years ago he thinks he can repeat the past when at the end of the day he has to face the fact she moved on she married with children. he can not repeat the past the past is the past.

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